I wish I could say that my life from the past two weeks has amounted to more than just a series of puzzles, monster battles, and fetch quests in a survival horror game, but sadly I cannot. A game called Obscure (and to a far lesser extent, its sequel Obscure: The Aftermath) has turned my life on its ear, and I'm still reeling. It has been a long time since I've gotten this involved in a game (such that I find myself playing it into the early hours of the morning, arriving at work incredibly late, and then spending a good portion of my day checking online walkthroughs to ensure that I've collected every last item in the areas that I've completed) but I am loving it. Who needs aspirations when you've got a Playstation?
Some might point out that Obscure is not considered a very good game by most standards. And others might even mention that it was released to somewhat mild reviews and poor sales. But! It is a horror survival game that is based on teen slasher flicks (surprisingly, the only one of the sort that I am aware of) and it is incredibly cheesy, making it my absolute favorite game of all time. Seriously, it is the best game ever.
I'm sure I'll be back to talk about this more later, but right now I'm running a little low on ammo and I need to strategize how to get out of the mess I've gotten myself into with a few genetically engineered killer plants...
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